Physical Therapy and the Human Movement System

Most of us associate physical therapy with post-injury rehabilitation. However, physical therapists are really specialists in human movement systems.

An article posted on Inquirer.com’s Sports Doc feature reminds us about the importance of considering range of motion, as well as the role of physical therapists in the context of overall health and wellness:

“It is important to understand that physical therapists are the experts in the movement system, just as we know a cardiologist specializes in the cardiovascular system, the neurologist specializes in the nervous system, the podiatrist the foot, and so on.

In fact, physical therapy is really educating you about your body and teaching you how to move properly to continue the activities which you love. We work to give you the knowledge and treatment/training plan to be pain-free on a daily basis. We assess and design movement programs to put you in the best position for success.”

We’ve seen a lot of interesting new applications for physical therapy in recent years, and every visit with a healthcare professional is an opportunity for education.

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