Handheld Dynamometers: What You Need To Know

For many years, the world relied on manual muscle treatments to evaluate motor impairments. Various manual range of motion testing solutions have been developed to help evaluate a patient’s strength. However, manual methods have a greater potential to lead to false impairment readings and poor evaluations. Because of the different standards, techniques, and performing methods manual treatments rely on, their results are subjective. The tools replacing manual methods provide a level of accuracy far superior to their manual counterparts.

Handheld Dynamometers Vs. Manual Testing

Currently, one of the greatest tools replacing manual muscle testing devices is the handheld dynamometer. Using manual methods, a health professional may ask the patient to push against their hand and then subjectively judge whether the force they generate is normal. A handheld dynamometer, however, takes the force a patient generates and transmits it through a transducer, quantifies the force, and then presents the data in a digital format. Health professionals can use this muscle strength testing equipment to measure muscle strength efficiently and effectively across the board. Reducing variability and increasing reliability gives health professionals the best information to effectively evaluate their client.

Equipment Advancements

Although listening for heart irregularities without a stethoscope is not impossible, the proper tools make the process much easier and far more accurate. The same goes for muscle treatments and the use of range of motion testing solutions. Using manual methods cannot compare to the accuracy a handheld dynamometry provides. Many clinical studies have found that the additional consistency this computerized range of motion testing equipment provides helpful in providing patients with the most effective treatment. By being able to measure muscle strength with consistency, providers are able to track progress over time, giving a more accurate sense of improvement, particularly for treatment of chronic pain. Chronic back pain, for example, is defined as pain that persists for 12 weeks or longer. Digital muscle testing equipment allows for consistency in measurement over these weeks.

Medical professionals ultimately need one key element to effectively evaluate and treat their patient: accuracy. Handheld dynamometers provide a level of reliability, consistency, and accuracy unmatched by manual methods. Pairing impartial data with professional expertise gives patients the best chance to reach their greatest physical abilities. For more information on dynamometry and other types of digital muscle testing equipment, contact JTech Medical today.

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