An Epidemic Spine Problem in Our Society: Forward Head Posture

A recent blog post at the Parker College of Chiropractic highlights one of the most prevalent factors in neck and low back pain: forward head posture.

On the Alumni Voices blog at Parker College of Chiropractic, Dr. Gregory Johnson outlines the mechanics of gravity as a primary source of stress on the ligaments, muscles, disc, and joints of the spine. Forward Head Posture (FHP) is a reality of our modern age, and Dr. Johnson says it is a factor that can have significant health consequences over a long period of time.

Constantly leaning forward into computer screens, phones, and other handheld devices not only causes serious postural problems, he says, but can cause compression of the upper cavity and lower cavity, affecting lungs and heart, and can even cause gastrointestinal issues.

Gravity is always pulling us down towards the earth 24/7, whether you’re sitting, standing, sleeping, walking or doing any other activity a human being might do during their everyday activities of living, both at work and at home. We have become a sedentary society for the most part, sitting most of the day as we work on a computer or at a desk with our heads leaning or bent forward from our shoulders. This means FHP is very prevalent in our society.

In addition to adults sitting at desks and workstations during the day, Dr. Johnson says this is also something that affects children from an early age, and should prompt us to be mindful of posture to prevent long-term health problems.

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