Hand & Upper Extremity

Determine physical deficits in hands and upper extremities of your patients and help them to rebuild strength and flexibility.

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Solution Details

JTECH Medical offers sophisticated upper extremity muscle testing tools that will help your medical practice record, evaluate, and track a variety of important patient metric data. Our upper extremity assessment tools allow you to spend dramatically less time doing paperwork—instead, you can focus on the care of your patients.

Automatic Test Data

Modular System
Buy Only What You Need

Durable, Lightweight,
Wireless Devices

Completely Portable
Test Anywhere Easily

Includes 1-Year Limited

Hardware Warranty

Solution Devices

JTECH Medical offers sophisticated upper extremity muscle testing tools that will help your medical practice record, evaluate, and track a variety of important patient metric data. Our upper extremity assessment tools allow you to spend dramatically less time doing paperwork—instead, you can focus on the care of your patients.

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