Commander Echo Hand & Upper Extremity
Hand and Upper Extremity Assessment Tools

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Solution Details
JTECH Medical offers sophisticated upper extremity muscle testing tools that will help your medical practice record, evaluate, and track a variety of important patient metric data. Our upper extremity assessment tools allow you to spend dramatically less time doing paperwork—instead, you can focus on the care of your patients.

Solution Devices
Your goal is to determine physical deficits in the hands and upper extremities of your patients and help them to rebuild strength and flexibility. JTECH Medical provides you with the best upper extremity assessment tools to assess your patient’s ability and track their improvement throughout your care.
The JTECH Medical Hand & Upper Extremity solution includes:
Grip Strength — Grip Strength devices that capture objective data for max grip, sustained grip, and rapid exchange grip in a fast and efficient manner.
Pinch Strength — Our Pinch Strength devices give you objective test results for pinch strength and deficits in a snap.
Goniometry — Goniometer devices that easily capture objective data for range of motion of large extremities and small digits.
Automated Reports — Easily generate narrative reports that show summary, details, and history of each test at the click of a button. (Northstar only)
You choose between two state-of-the art systems: Commander Echo Personal Injury and Northstar Personal Injury.
Commander Echo Hand & Upper Extremity
Our Commander Echo Hand and Upper Extremity system is physical therapy data gathering that’s compact enough to travel anywhere. Quickly test the strength and range of motion of the small and large extremities. It’s ideal for clinicians who perform in-home therapy visits, or those who are looking for an introductory solution for advanced data collection.