JTECH Medical Research Solutions

Functional Testing and Documentation Software for Researchers

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Solution Details

Your goal is to validate experiments and studies beyond doubt with objective data. JTECH Medical provides you with the best functional testing software and tools available, so you can collect the most accurate and objective data possible.

Quickly and easily perform NIOSH Lift Tests (combined with the Mobile Lift System), Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs), Fit-for-Duty Evaluations, Pre/Post Offer Evaluations, pain and pressure tolerances, muscle strength, range of motion, grip strength, and much more. Capture the raw data or with one click generate an automated narrative report.

Solution Devices

JTECH Research solutions include:

Static Strength — The versatile Static Force Gauge is the perfect device for measuring push, pull, and lifting force for a vast array of physical capacity testing solutions. Quickly and easily perform NIOSH Lift Tests (combined with the Mobile Lift System), Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs), Fit-for-Duty Evaluations, Pre/Post Offer Evaluations, and much more.

Algometry — JTECH Algometry devices provide you with the most objective measurement of a patient’s pain and pressure tolerances.

Muscle Strength Testing — Muscle testing systems that allow you to document and report muscle strength and bilateral deficits in a snap.

Inclinometry — Dual inclinometry products that quickly capture accurate active range of motion data in a simple, straightforward manner.

Grip Strength — Grip Strength devices that capture objective data for max grip, sustained grip, and rapid exchange grip in a fast and efficient manner.

Automated Reports — Easily generate narrative reports that show summary, details, and history of each test at the click of a button.

Goniometry — Goniometer devices that easily capture objective data for range of motion of large extremities and small digits.

Pinch Strength — Our Pinch Strength devices give you objective test results for pinch strength and deficits in a snap.

IsoTrack Pro — Hand strength is essential for many activities of daily living. This evaluation and documentation software makes the objective measurement of hand strength quick and easy, which is particularly important to those suffering from hand injuries. JTECH Medical pinch devices help you determine pinch strength capabilities and deficits with 6 standard pinch tests.

IRIS is the backbone of our functional testing software. Ideal for researchers, developers and power users who need access to high-quality data but don’t need the robust report and analysis features of our other software offerings.

– Real-time Raw Instrument Data
– Send to Custom Applications
– Export Data to CSV

Commander Echo Downloader is the software complement to our ultra-portable Commander Echo handheld system, perfect for testing on the go. Import your test data, set your format preferences and you’re done!

– Imports data from console
– Generates full-color reports
– Easily add patient info

Northstar is our premium functional assessment software. Northstar gives you fully computerized data collection, patient data management, progress tracking, easy narrative report creation and much more.

– Fully computerized collection
– Patient EMR Tools
– Robust Data Analysis Tools
– Comprehensive Reporting Tools

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