Northstar Occupational Medicine — Fit-for-Work, Ability to Return-to-Work, and Pre/Post-Offer
JTECH Medical Occupational Medicine system allows you to provide reliable, objective, and data supported recommendations for a person’s fitness-for-duty, ability to return-to-work, and pre-employment/post-offer decisions. Northstar functional evaluation software, combined with our state-of-the-art measurement tools give you everything you need to cater to the growing FCE market.

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JTECH Medical Occupational Medicine Testing Systems offer all the essential Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) testing equipment to assess, document and track a subject’s strength and range of motion. Our FCE testing equipment allows you to focus on evaluation instead of paperwork.
Solution Devices
JTECH Medical Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) Systems allow you to provide reliable, objective, and data supported recommendations for a person’s fitness-for-duty, ability to return-to-work, and pre-employment/post-offer decisions. Northstar functional evaluation software, combined with our state-of-the-art measurement tools give you everything you need to cater to the growing FCE market.
The Most Advanced FCE Tools are the ones that allow you to focus on your client during evaluations. JTECH Medical functional tools interface directly with the Northstar software to eliminate transcription errors and enhance evaluation efficiency. From range of motion to muscle strength to lift/push/pull testing, JTECH has a device to meet your needs. All the tools conform to published standards so you can rest assured that using our devices is supported by research.
The Most Advanced FCE Software allows you to focus on using your skills to evaluate and not write reports. JTECH’s Northstar FCE software automatically displays calculations that allow you to make the best decisions about your client’s physical capabilities. From material handling to cardiovascular fitness to signs of high effort behavior, Northstar software allows you to document everything relevant to your FCE case. Northstar then creates detailed reports of all aspects of the FCE at the click of a button, saving you time and allowing you to move on to the next FCE evaluation.
JTECH FCE Systems are simply the best in the industry for streamlined documentation of a patient’s functional capabilities related to occupational decision making.
The JTECH FCE System Produces Objective Documentation For:
Lift/Push/Pull — Our Static Strength device is an essential tool for evaluation of lifting, pushing, and pulling capabilities of workers. It is perfect for NIOSH lift tests and can measure up to 750lb* for strong performers
SFG Max rated to 750lb, SFG rated to a max capacity of 500lb
Muscle Strength — JTECH Muscle testing systems are the best in the industry for providing objective, real-time data to document strengths and deficits in your FCE cases. The portable, handheld muscle testing dynamometer is accurate and efficient and can be used to measure any muscle strength necessary.
Range of Motion — JTECH’s dual inclinometry is the most accurate and easiest to use device for range of motion evaluation during FCEs. JTECH’s dual inclinometry has been recognized by the AMA for use in spine range of motion assessment but can also be used for large extremity evaluation. The small size makes it easy to position and secure the devices for accuracy and repeatability.
Grip Strength — Grip strength is a key measurement for all workers. JTECH’s Grip Strength devices capture real-time data during FCEs for max grip, sustained grip, and rapid exchange grip quickly and efficiently. Automatically compare results from max grip to rapid exchange grip to help you better determine the subject’s reliability of effort.
Automated Reports — Easily generate comprehensive narrative reports that show objective measurements, summaries, details, and history of each test at the click of a button. Customization of reports to meet your clinic or client’s needs is as simple as point and click.
Northstar Occupational Medicine
Take your testing to the next level with our fully automated Northstar Occupational Medicine system. The JTECH Medical Northstar™ powerful suite of functional assessment tools allow you to perform FCEs, post-offers, fit-for-duty exams, or any other evaluations faster and with greater accuracy than ever before!
Northstar Occupational Medicine system includes:
Records, calculates and stores test data
Includes Northstar MDE for transcription
Northstar database — patient info, test results, and test history
Northstar Functional module for functional capacity evaluations
Modular System — Choose the devices that fit your needs
Wireless system allows you to easily test anywhere
Includes 1-year limited hardware and software warranty
Includes instant report generation at the click of a button
Wireless receiver connects all devices to Northstar software
Eliminate transcription — automatically captures all data
Hi-resolution force curves to validate consistency of effort
Pie graphs show live data for range of motion tests
Do you have multiple locations and want to share the data across locations? Check out our Northstar Active Care Rehab Professional.